Business Owners: if you are being sued, you should know Summary Judgement
Lawsuit is scary. It is expensive and drags on for a long time. It is emotionally draining especially when the other part has filed a frivolous lawsuit, meaning, logically, they do not have a reason to complain.
There are many tools to shorten the lawsuit and thus reduce the cost if it is not avoidable. Summary judgement is one of them. You should talk to your attorney about it.
Summary judgment is a judgment entered by a court on partial or all issues without a full trial. A grant of summery judgement simplifies and streamlines the case so that trial is either ruled out or more efficient and focused on the areas of actual dispute.
A court can grant a Summary Judgement when “there is no genuine issues of material fact”. Issue is a disagreement between opposing parties on facts legally relevant to a claim. The disagreement is “genuine” when it is plausible (e.g., one cannot logically dispute a contract date if he or she does not have a copy of a contract.)
Ask your lawyers about summary judgement or call us to discuss how to save your litigation cost.