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 Contract lawyers, anyone?

Contract lawyers draft, review or negotiate contracts. Entering into a contract seems to be easy. You can easily “draft” one by using widely available templates and often times companies with more power than you give you “standard” contract, which you do not have much say anyways. Right? Sadly, this is far from the truth. Contract is about recourse. All things are good if everyone does what they promise they would do. But unfortunately, the opposite occurs more often than it should.  In that case, if you do not foresee those risks and preserve recourses for yourself, you would suffer more than heartbreaks.

A good contract lawyer may ensure that you address as many risks as possible and prepare yourself for breach. Yes, hiring an attorney cost you. But if you do not, the potential loss you might suffer could be devastating. Hence, hiring a good contract attorney to draft contract for you is worthy of every penny.   To the least, you may want to bring on an attorney to at least review, if not draft, the document. A contract attorney can also give you an idea what you can do or cannot do according to the contract. Because we have Chinese speaking lawyers on board, we can help you to review Chinese documents needed to reflect accurate intents of both parties if one party is Chinese speaking.

Contract Review

Contract Lawyers at LLA review contract for small business owners. A contract review is a thorough examination of a legal agreement before it is signed. The purpose of contract review is to ensure that everything stated in the document is clear and accurate, and all risks in the event of breach are addressed.

When conducting a contract review, an experienced contract lawyer looks for essential clauses and terms, termination and renewal terms, ambiguous languages and default provisions, i.e, recourses to each other when one party breaches the agreement. Please do not blindly trust templates or “standard contracts” given by the other attorneys. A good contract lawyer makes sure all corners of your interest are protected. Contract lawyers at LLA are among those good ones. Besides, we speak Chinese. Chinese speaking contract lawyers at LLA help you to negotiate after reviewing a contract.

Contract Drafting and Negotiation

Well-written contracts are at the heart of every successful business. Many small business owners overlooked the importance of drafting contract. To save money, they prefer to having the other side draft the contract and signing based on their belief of opposite’s good faith. Consequently, many contracts are substantially one-sided and the money-saving effort leads to costly but fruitless litigation. Accordingly, contract lawyers at LLA cannot emphasize enough how important to have your own contract lawyers to draft and take initiative in negotiation process.

Contract lawyers at LLA successfully handled a wide variety of contract drafting tasks. Contract lawyers always work with small business owners to understand their needs and to assure their interests are protected.

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